The rumor mill is buzzing with speculation about Cory Gamble possibly cozying up to none other than Kim Kardashian herself. Surprisingly, it seems that Kris Jenner isn’t too bothered by it, given her history of being laid-back about her daughters’ romantic endeavors. Kris has even been known to play matchmaker, so this situation might not be as scandalous to her as it seems.

But here’s where it gets even juicier: whispers suggest that Cory might not just be Kris’s boyfriend but her husband too, with secret nuptials allegedly taking place. As for Kim and Cory getting close, the gossip grapevine seems to think so, but Kris isn’t losing sleep over it. She’s faced bigger challenges, like the recent cancellation of their family’s show by Hulu, which is a major blow to their empire.

Speaking of scandals, there’s more trouble brewing for Kris. Reports suggest she’s entangled in a serious IRS investigation over alleged tax evasion through her California Community Church. If proven true, this could have significant consequences for Kris and her family, potentially leading to legal trouble and financial setbacks.

Moreover, questions about Kim’s finances are swirling, with suspicions of her inflating her income and involvement in shady money dealings. From her cryptocurrency ad mishap to allegations of involvement in a money laundering scheme, Kim’s financial woes seem to be mounting, with reports of heavy debt and even accusations of past theft.

And if Kim thinks Kanye might bail her out, she might be in for a surprise, as sources claim he’s solely focused on his new wife Bianca and their children. With their family’s wealth built on what some deem as scams and shams, the Kardashians’ downfall seems imminent to some observers.

In the midst of it all, the Kardashians’ once-glamorous facade appears to be cracking, with their financial woes and scandals unraveling before the public eye. It’s a chaotic saga that’s captivating audiences, leaving many wondering what twists and turns will come next in this reality TV drama.