Cat Williams recently aired his latest comedy special on Netflix, promising to unleash on various celebrities and deliver a dose of truth. Titled “Woke,” the special began with Williams joking about trying to remain incognito but failing due to Shannon Sharp’s loose lips. He humorously claimed to infiltrate the Illuminati and spill their secrets, all while dodging their attempts to silence him.

Katt Williams SLAMS Diddy, Lizzo & Oprah in Woke Foke LIVE Netflix Stand Up  Comedy - YouTube

Williams wasted no time diving into celebrity culture, targeting Lizzo and calling out Hollywood’s double standards regarding body image and race. He humorously highlighted the pressure on individuals like Lizzo to conform to certain stereotypes, criticizing the industry’s shallow expectations.

The comedian didn’t shy away from controversial topics, addressing the rampant drug problem in Hollywood. He joked about Oprah Winfrey supposedly using so much GHB that Gayle King lost weight, shedding light on a serious issue with his trademark wit.

One of the standout moments was Williams’ commentary on sexuality, particularly his jab at Diddy. He joked about the increasing acceptance of diverse sexual orientations, poking fun at the term “pansexual” and its unrelated association with cookware. Despite receiving laughter from the audience, some viewers felt the joke fell flat or missed the mark.

While some fans praised Williams for addressing current events and societal issues, others found the special lacking compared to his previous work. Many felt the jokes didn’t land as strongly as expected, with some criticizing the lack of freshness or edginess in his material.

Despite mixed reviews, Williams’ special sparked discussions about comedy’s role in addressing societal issues and pushing boundaries. Whether fans loved it or found it underwhelming, Williams remains a polarizing figure in the comedy world, unafraid to tackle controversial topics with his signature style.

Overall, while not his strongest performance, Williams’ latest special still provided moments of laughter and social commentary, showcasing his enduring relevance in the comedy landscape.