Over the years, the Kardashian family has faced heavy criticism from the public. They’ve been accused of promoting unrealistic beauty standards, which not only emotionally frustrate and drain people but also lead to life-threatening consequences. Recently, three more women have emerged as victims of dangerous beauty procedures inspired by Kim Kardashian, resulting in lifelong health risks.

Kim Kardashian Is Facing Fresh Backlash

In 2018, three women underwent a procedure called the vampire facial at an unlicensed medical spa in New Mexico. Tragically, they contracted HIV due to unsanitary conditions at the spa, where blood tubes were unlabeled, injectables were stored next to food, and equipment wasn’t properly sterilized. The spa’s owner was subsequently arrested and convicted for practicing medicine without a license.

The vampire facial, also known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) microneedling, is intended to rejuvenate the skin by reducing wrinkles and acne. While the procedure itself can be safe when performed by qualified professionals, these victims fell victim to unsafe practices due to their limited financial means.

Kim Kardashian played a role in popularizing the vampire facial after showcasing it on an episode of her reality show in 2013. However, critics argue that she fails to acknowledge the potential risks and costs associated with such procedures. Many people, inspired by Kardashian’s appearance, may seek cheaper alternatives, leading to disastrous consequences.

This incident adds to a pattern of the Kardashians being accused of promoting unattainable beauty standards. Fans and critics alike have pointed out the discrepancy between the family’s claims of achieving their looks through exercise and healthy living versus the evident use of plastic surgery. This lack of transparency only exacerbates the problem and leaves fans feeling inadequate and pressured to conform to unrealistic ideals.

Ultimately, while Kim Kardashian and her family may not bear direct responsibility for individual decisions made by fans, their influence cannot be ignored. By perpetuating a culture of unattainable beauty standards without fully disclosing the risks involved, they contribute to a harmful narrative that prioritizes appearance over health and authenticity. It’s a complex issue that demands greater accountability and transparency from influential figures in the media.