A funny and nostalgic reunion is taking place as the actors from the beloved Hollywood movie X-Men gather together. In a cozy and cheerful atmosphere, they reminisce about memorable moments from the film and marvel at the passage of time.

“Can you believe it’s been 20 years since the first X-Men movie?” a voice exclaims, carrying the reminiscence of an impressive era.

“Hmm, it’s quite a long time. But don’t worry, Halle. You’re still as fabulous as ever,” another voice, warm and suave, reassures with confidence.

The gentle knock on the door interrupts their thoughts. Another person has arrived, and none other than Ian McKellen, a shining star in this film series.

“The cast and I were just reminiscing about the movie that we’re all in together,” Ian says with pride.

“I hear you. You know I love that movie,” another voice responds. “I hope it’s okay if I join. I figured we were all in X-Men together.”

“Of course, you’re welcome. We all belong to X-Men,” another voice chimes in.

Soon enough, the door widens, and more people join in. The reunion becomes livelier with everyone’s participation.

“I think there are too many timelines now. It’s like a recap of Knott’s Landing,” someone remarks, creating a humorous atmosphere.

“Everything is just like the X-Men movies. We don’t need to worry about timelines,” another voice reacts.

However, not everyone feels comfortable with this gathering.

“Sorry, I thought this was the Game of Thrones reunion,” someone says, eliciting amused chuckles from the others.

“Of course, Tyrion Lannister was in an X-Men movie,” another person points out.

One by one, people start to leave, leaving only two behind.

“This meeting is just down to us, Logan,” a voice says, carrying a hint of gentle emotion.

“Yes, it seems so. But that makes this a reunion for X-Men Origins,” Logan replies, with a soft smile on his lips.

The meeting comes to an end, but the memories and bonds between the actors continue to exist forever. The X-Men movie is not just a project but also an integral part of their career and life journey.